
animated image definition

The animated picture is that image that is characterized by the movement that presents. Meanwhile, such a state is possible thanks to the animation.

Animation is a process that is executed to create in the viewer that sensation of movement either from images or drawings.

There are many techniques that are used to create the aforementioned movement. From pictures that can be made, drawing, painting or photographing, the tiny changes will be made repeatedly to a reality model or, failing that, to a virtual three-dimensional model; likewise, the animation of actors and objects that belong to reality is possible.

Due to the twists and turns it involves, animation is a complex job, therefore, most of the animated production that we see today comes from companies specialized in animation that have already been in charge of organizing the work and that somehow monopolize the content of this type, although, in recent times, what is called author animation, which consists of the personal work of one or a few artists with knowledge and experience in the field, using new technologies.

Among the types of animation, the following stand out: Cartoon (Created from the drawing of each frame, first, each frame was painted and later filmed, then, with the appearance of cell animation, invented by Brad and Hurd in 1910, the previous procedure was abandoned), stop motion (animation of dolls, objects, plasticine figures from frame-by-frame recording; the movement of the aforementioned static objects is simulated by taking photographs; the main difference with the previous one is that here no drawings are made but the image comes from reality and I know the photograph), pixilation (variant of stop motion, animated objects are people and objects, not models), rotoscopy (is drawn directly on the reference), clippings animation (Use cut out figures, paper or photographs, the bodies are built by cutting out the parts and then moving and replacing the parts the different movements are achieved).

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