
reserve definition

In general terms, By reservation, it is designated to that action of requesting the separation of a place or several, that those places be saved, for example to go to dinner at a luxury or fashionable restaurant in the city and in which case and for always having an important influx of people, there are not too many places, then, it is customary to work with the reservation methodology to get a safe place in it.

Also, when traveling in certain public or private transports, to stay in a hotel or to attend a show, the practice of booking is used to also ensure a place in them.

Especially air transport has this modality, since it is not like the bus or the subway where you get a ticket and wait for a unit to pass, or if you lost it after a while it is known that another will pass ... To travel by plane, in On a pre-established day and time, you must first reserve the place or places, do it in advance, to ensure that there will be availability on that date, because there are many people who demand that place for the same date.

On the other hand, the guardianship, custody or prevention that is made of a certain issue or thing, it is also designated with the word reserve.

In addition, when someone in a certain situation that demands it, operates with discretion In order not to raise suspicions about that fact in question, which is preferred to be kept secret and protected, the word reserve is used to describe such behavior.

On the other hand and at the request of areas such as sport and the military, the term reserve has a special meaning, since in this way, for example, in the first case, that of sport, more precisely in football, is designated by the word reserve at the level at which players who are not the starters of a team play and who usually play a match before the match that the starting team will play at home. And in the case of the military context, the part of the army that does not perform actively will be called a reserve.

But we also find several specific uses of this term that designate concepts that have a really widespread use in our language, such is the case of, for example, natural reserve and monetary reserves, which we will review below.

Natural reserve

A nature reserve, also called as an ecological reserve, is the concept that we use to name those territories that are protected from indiscriminate and little conscious human action, because they are of great importance inherent to the flora and fauna that they harbor and due to the geological characteristics they present.

Then, due to these issues, it is decided to protect it in order to avoid any action that threatens its continuity and survival. On the other hand, it is safeguarded since it is considered to be a very prominent point to carry out investigative or educational tasks.

It should be noted that the government of a nation is in charge of designating an area rich in the aforementioned issues as a natural or ecological reserve, or failing that, some organizations that disseminate and promote ecology are also in charge of ensuring its subsistence.

Safe Coins

In the field of economyLikewise, we find a concept designated precisely by the term at hand.

Denominated as reserve currency or simply as reserveThis is the foreign currency accumulated by the countries, usually housed and controlled by their Central Bank and which is used as an economic indicator that shows the resources that the nation has available to make purchases abroad, or failing that, to carry out commercial transactions that do or do require a powerful legal tender to carry them out, such is the case of the dollar or the euro, normally used as reserves.

Undoubtedly, it is the US dollar, the official currency of the USA, the most widespread reserve currency in the world today. In recent years, dollar reserves have exceeded 50% and this has put pressure on making the dollar the reserve currency. Meanwhile, the Euro ranks second in reserve currency preference. Both dethroned the Pound sterling, official currency of the United Kingdom, which used to be the reserve currency par excellence during the 19th century and part of the past.

And finally, the resources or elements that are available to solve a need or carry out a certain company, are designated with the reservation term.

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