
object definition

The concept of object has several references in our language.

That which has a material character

One of the most widespread uses says that object is everything that which has a material and inanimate character, and it is an element that can be perceived by our senses, that is, it can be seen, touched ...

You have stored a huge amount of beautiful objects, what a waste.

Philosophy: what can be known by the subject

On the other hand and at the request of the Philosophy, the object will be called what can be known and even felt by the subject, including himself.

Throughout the history of philosophy it has been a subject approached from different angles and by different philosophers.

Exercise of the mental faculty, the end of an action, subject of a science

In another order of things, an object will also be called that which serves as matter to the exercise of mental faculties.

Disability will be the main object of study during the successive days.”

To the purpose or intent to which an action or operation will be directed we popularly know it as an object. "The purpose of my presence here is to achieve a reconciliation between the parties and to prevent the measure of force from continuing.”

Another recurring use of the word is found in the academic field, since in that way the matter or subject of a science.

The object of study of Biology are the origin, evolution and properties of living beings. The object of Sociology is the study of social groups.”

Application in law, astronomy and interior decoration

In the field of Right, we find different uses of the term object, on the one hand, the social object is a concept that refers to that activity that is aimed at a commercial company and the legal object it will involve the content of a legal act or business and is one of the fundamental elements of an obligation or contract.

Also in the Astronomy we find a recurring use of the word, since all significant physical entity that science has confirmed already exists in the universe. The sun, the planets, the moon, are some examples.

Also, in the Decor we find it a regular use, since that is how it is called that which serves to adorn or beautify a place, a space.

The jug and basin is an excellent decorative object to use in that space.”

Interior decoration gives a special value and place to objects because it is they, together with the furniture, that know how to give an environment a personality and a singular aesthetic imprint.

A space will stand out as long as it contains beautiful and harmonic objects in relation to the space.

Within the universe of decorative objects we can find an infinity of proposals for the different environments of the house, and with the most diverse functionalities, there are even some that do not have any specific function but are due to the beauty they dispense with the environment in which they are applied.

This tremendous variety of objects has to do with the tireless movement that exists at the behest of design and that translates precisely into various creations that are used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, among others.

There are people who love sumptuous objects, others like the most modern, there is also an audience for rare objects, and of course for vintage objects, those that come from the past and as such give a unique history and soul to the interior spaces. in which they are incorporated.

Person treated as an object

On the other hand, the concept is usually used in ordinary language to refer to the person who is manipulated without taking into account that it is a person with opinions, ideas and feelings, that is, it is treated simply as An object, without thinking that it can be harmed by something that is said or done, is treated as an object and not by a person who feels and may feel bad about that treatment. Objects obviously do not suffer any kind of sensation in this sense because they are precisely objects.

And in linguistics the object is a direct or indirect object, which is opposed to the subject, that is, the semantic object will be that on which a subject can carry out an action.

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