
slang definition

The term jargon is used to designate that variety of speech, certainly different from the standard language, and even many times incomprehensible for the speakers of the latter, which is made up of a set of special and particular expressions that can respond to a profession or to a certain social class.

Generally, the raison d'être of a jargon in the field in which it is developed and imposed has to do with the need to hide the true meaning of words, that is those who do not belong to the same circle or group do not understand what they are talking about who do belong to it, or at least who do not fully understand what is being talked about. Most of the time, except in professional jargon, terms used by specific groups are usually temporary, losing their use shortly after being adopted.

Among adolescents who follow some type of musical trend, for example, it is very common for this type of variety of speech or jargon to be established and that then, for those of us who do not belong to them, it will surely be very difficult to understand what they are talking about.

Meanwhile, there are more types of jargon in addition to the one mentioned, which in the classification is known as social jargon. The jargons of the country and that almost all nations have and that implies that certain words that are extremely common and common in one country, are not so in another and that when a foreigner hears them he does not understand them. For example, in Chilean slang the bride is called a girlfriend, while in Argentine slang, she is known as a girlfriend or partner and thus there are countless words.

Then there are the professional jargons, because some professions require and make up their own vocabulary that is not common for the language to which they belong and that are necessary to carry out certain processes or designate instruments. Even specific and official dictionaries are developed for each type of professional jargon, for example medical jargon, among the most recognized.

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