
scan definition

Many, many remarkable discoveries in the fields of geography, geology, and the exact and social sciences would not have been possible without the existence of the exploration. The exploration implies observing, recognizing, in a detailed and highly concentrated way, a thing, an aspect, a theme and even a place., among others. Meanwhile, it is an activity that is widely used in various fields such as: geography, medicine, geology, tourism, technology, computer science and science.

In any exploration that is carried out, in addition to the sharp and concentrated eye of the professional who faces it, it will be necessary to have some resources and tools that facilitate and make the investigation in question easier and faster.

Because sometimes not only a trained eye is enough and to this it is necessary to add some elements that make the task simpler. For example, if we need to explore an area because it is presumed that high-value fossil remains can be found in it, we will need a basic element such as a shovel to be able to dig the corresponding hole.

On the other hand, exploration has been a key activity in expanding the geographic domains of a nation.

Back in the 15th century, when the discovery of America happened, Spain, who enjoyed the privilege of being one of the most developed and powerful nations of that time, undertook a series of trips with an exploratory purpose to unknown territories that would culminate precisely with the impressive advance that was to discover another continent.

Undoubtedly, exploration has a lot of adventure and those who undertake it, therefore, have an adventurous desire that drives them precisely to want to go through unexpected situations and from which it is almost certain that they will obtain unknown and very innovative knowledge, and because not also material wealth if the exploration is linked to the review of a specific place in which it is believed that goods are hoarded.

It was precisely this last situation that greatly enriched Spain when America was discovered. They achieved material wealth in stark amounts and also met new cultures and elements that helped them advance in certain aspects.

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