
what is polemicizing »definition and concept

People live moments of dialogue with friends, co-workers and acquaintances. Interaction that is very constructive to be able to share different points of view on the same topic. In this way, in a discussion or open chat forum, it is possible to visualize different opinions that are accompanied by specific arguments. Therefore, the participants in this type of discussion have the ability to argue. In this type of discussion, there are attitudes of all kinds.

There is that of those people who want to be right in everything and continue to maintain a point of view out of the pure desire to want to be in a position of truth. On the contrary, there are also people who, in this type of context, tend to give less value to their own opinion than to that of their interlocutor due to personal insecurity or low self-esteem.

Expose points of view

Some people also maintain composure in expressing their ideas and views by making excellent use of rhetoric, as well as patiently listening to the opinions of others. On the contrary, there is also the profile of someone who is delighted to listen to himself, frequently interrupts others and is only happy when he has the turn to speak.

In the television context, it is frequent for debate programs to summon members of the public in order to argue about current political and social issues, giving visibility to different ideologies. This type of program also has the influence of creating opinion in the viewers.

Polemizing is constructive, but like any attitude, it must take place in its proper context. It would be exhausting to argue about any everyday aspect of the day to day and to enter into debate before any interaction. In the professional context, work meetings are an opportunity to share different ideas for improvement.

Reach for the truth

What is the most important thing when arguing with other people? Keep in mind that the most important thing is not to be right but to reach the truth. And in most cases, this truth is the sum of different points of view that have their part of reason. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain humility and emotional openness to listen without prejudice to different points of view.

Photos: iStock - omgimages / gremlin

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