
definition of rural space

The concept that concerns us in this review is composed of two terms of recurrent use, space, which refers to a place or place, and on the other hand rural, a word with which everything that is proper or related to the field and its work is called .

Non-urban territory, located on the outskirts of the city and in which primary economic activities are predominantly carried out

So, in our language we call as rural space to that non-urban territory that is part of the land surface or that is part of a municipality and due to its physical characteristics cannot be classified as a typically urban area.

Meanwhile, these types of areas are especially destined to carry out agricultural, agro-industrial, extractive, environmental conservation and forestry activities (cultivation or exploitation of forests), among others.

This, of course, does not imply that other activities are not carried out in these types of spaces or that they are used for other uses such as: residential, transport, industrial and services, however, as these are regions that are highly suitable, with an absolutely natural tendency for the development of the aforementioned agricultural, field and pastoral activities, is that they are mostly recognized and linked to this type of issue.


Among the distinctive characteristics, for example, we must mention a lower concentration of population compared to that which exists in urban areas and the production of primary goods. Both issues generate that in these places people have a very particular and characteristic idiosyncrasy, which is not at all similar to the one that exists in the metropolis, on the contrary, they are faced with the latter in many conditions; and on the other hand they have their own economic organization, that is, being primary producers they consume what they produce, while in large cities they consume what is produced in rural areas ...

Ecotourism and rural tourism

In any case, there are so many other uses of these great natural spaces, for example, in recent years the ecotourism and rural tourism They have managed to impose themselves as an alternative to the traditional vacation and then, many of the companies that offer this type of tourism moved to rural areas to carry it out, or also, the original people of these places have found them back as a business in addition to constitute their place of residence.

One of the distinctive characteristics of this type of space is that it is not a uniform landscape, but quite the opposite, in rural spaces we can find, closed fields (they present divisions between the plots as a consequence of individual decisions about the types of crops and the use), open fields (They are not divided like the previous ones), with intermediate variants, among those previously mentioned, all these variations being the product of natural, historical and legal conditions.

On the other hand, many of these rural spaces are under government protection with the excuse of being areas that present unique flora, fauna and resources that cannot be left to chance and to the sometimes irresponsible hands of man who overwhelms them with your decisions and actions.

Voices for and against life in the country

Faced with life in these rural places there are two very opposed positions, on the one hand there are those who love country life, they stand out for the naturalness and closeness to the nature that it proposes, the tranquility, and for making its inhabitants develop a less addictive and fast daily activity than the one proposed in urban life.

Now, on the other side of the path are those who do not like the countryside and nature at all, least of all the tranquility that emanates from there, and then they will not want to spend a second there, preferring instead all the benefits of consumption, activities, and frenzy that are offered in the metropolis.

Generally, it is difficult for people born in the country to acclimate to the rhythm of the big city and vice versa, for the cosmopolitan it is very difficult to accept that parsimony that characterizes the country.

But we cannot ignore that in the middle there are people who, due to various personal experiences, decide to opt for a more natural and calm life and that is how they decide to settle in these types of places where it abounds.

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