
quote definition

The quotation of a movable security or a security is its acceptance as a negotiation value in a stock market and the consequent official appraisal of its value based on predetermined criteria for the purchase and sale.

In the general economy, the quotation is the appraisal or valuation of a share or economic title with the purpose of determining its value in the market in order to consider it for the purchase or sale. The quote constitutes an official appraisal, since it occurs according to pre-established parameters and, therefore, takes place periodically to update the value of a security or share.

One of the most widespread quotes is that of the various national currencies around the world, with the purpose of establishing the relationship between them, the increase or decrease in their value and the operation in the stock market worldwide. Often, the current currency in each country is quoted in relation to the US dollar or the euro and, in its relation to the same, its exchange value in purchase and sale and, thus, the course of a country's economy can be determined. These quotes are officially established by the Central Bank of each country and govern economic activities on a daily basis due to the fluctuation of the world market.

Other examples of quotations are, for example, the valuation of stock shares of a company acquired by an individual, or the quotation of movable or immovable securities for commercial transactions. Quotation is such a widespread term that it is also used to talk about the development of different types of jobs and the valuation of them by the worker in question. For example, a translation of a document can be quoted by the author according to his abilities and experience.

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