
what is laconic »definition and concept

Through the word laconic can be expressed to that which is characterized by its brevity, accuracy and conciseness. A laconic statement denied the rumors of pregnancy of the popular singer.

And you can also use the word to refer to that person who communicates in the aforementioned, brief way, either orally or in writing. Juan is laconic in his verbal communication, but by email he is much more charming and talkative.

Laconic is not a term that has a super widespread and popular use in our language, that is, it is used and is present, but mostly in formal conversations, while in colloquial language it is more frequent that one of its synonyms, the word brief.

When it is said, it is said that something is brief, it is because it is characterized or stands out for its reduced extensionMeanwhile, this limitation materializes with regard to time and space. Juan, I have a short time during the afternoon if you want to meet us at the cafe on the corner of the faculty. The house has a very short master bedroom.

In the field of journalistic information, the concept of brief has a special use since in this way it designates those informative texts that are characterized by showing small dimensions, presenting the information in question in a concise and concrete way. In a brief, then, we find only the highlights of a story, or event.

And the other use that is given to the word is to indicate that person who hails from Laconia, a region belonging to Ancient Greece, or, failing that, to refer to everything related to this geographical part. It may also appear referred to as laconium. As if to give an idea of ​​the importance of this region, the sparta city, one of the most important at the time.

It should be noted that the meaning that today we attribute to the term laconic had its origin in this region and in that old time. Some legends comment that it was a typical characteristic of the Laconian people to communicate in a concise way.

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