
definition of sponsor

The sponsor is that company or person that invests a specific amount of money in promoting its brand in a specific medium with the aim of gaining greater visibility with potential customers. For example, many magazines and fashion publications obtain a good source of financing thanks to the sponsorship of firms in the sector that want to have their own space in the publication to advertise a product or service.

This sponsorship is also visible today in digital media since many blogs also have specific advertising banners for those companies that decide to invest a monthly expense in said blog when promoting their services.

Sponsorship in sport

In sports, a firm may also decide to sponsor a specific team. In that case, the sponsor values ​​the added advantages that this type of marketing offers them in order to improve the projection of the company.

The cinema also has different sources of funding and subsidies. Some films have money that has been invested by those sponsors who have believed in the project and have decided to support it with financial resources. It is also possible to sponsor a specific event by sponsoring a fashion gala, for example.

In other words, the different forms of sponsorship show the different ways that a firm has to gain visibility before a project. In this way, an exchange of common interests takes place. On the one hand, the sponsoring company offers a specific economic amount and in exchange for this, it receives a reinforcement in its image.

Companies can also sponsor social cause projects showing their ethical involvement in building a better world. Through sponsorship, a collaboration agreement is established between the two parties that establish a commercial agreement.

A business agreement

It is an agreement in which both companies benefit through the win-win scheme, that is, both parties benefit in some way thanks to this collaboration that can be more or less long. The sponsorship system makes it possible to obtain financial funds that would otherwise be difficult to carry out. But finding a sponsor is not always an easy task because companies also highly value where they invest.

Photos: iStock - Sjo

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