
definition of frivolous

The word frivolous We use it mostly to designate that or the one that stands out for its lightness and superficiality. We mostly apply this sense of the word in relation to people when they are characterized by manifesting at all times and places a behavior that is not very committed to a situation that, on the contrary, does demand from them a greater commitment or at least a more responsible and serious attitude.

The frivolous never compromises with reality, he only cares about the exterior that the issues present and not the interior or the content. For example, the frivolous will be more inclined to go shopping, enter various businesses and try on clothes, rather than attend an exhibition of plastic art.

Although extreme frivolity is of course not frowned upon and is not even a matter to rejoice with, it should be noted that all human beings have a share of frivolous at some point in our lives. That is, we women tend to worry a lot about our aspects and this is not bad at all, that is, we can take care to look better, doing some aesthetic treatment and at the same time be interested in transcendental issues of our life and the environment. The problem is when someone's existence is only focused on the outward aspect, leaving aside humanitarian and spiritual issues.

On the other hand, the word frivolous is also used recurrently in everyday language to express that which is of very little importance.

And the other of the uses of the term allows to designate the show, publication, television or radio program, which address rather light and simple topics such as the gossip of the entertainment world, information on romances, separations, impending marriages, celebrity pregnancies, among others. Also they contents in which sensuality and sexuality predominate, are considered frivolous.

The most common synonym of the word at hand is superficial while the term that opposes is that of formal, which expresses responsibility.

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