
definition of vintage

The term vintage is a term of relatively recent use that serves to designate fashion or design styles that base their main characteristics on the recreation of elements of past styles, from other decades, with some touch-up or element of creativity of their own. Many times, vintage styles suppose authentic creation, although in other cases we can also speak of vintage when referring to elements of those times that are still used today (for example, clothes that were used by grandmothers and today women). the granddaughters use).

While the term can be applied to any type of product or item, it is more common to hear that something is vintage when talking about phenomena such as fashion, interior design, industrial design, advertising, personal styles (hair or makeup), music, etc. In other words, everything that has to do with creativity and with the idea that something from the past is recreated or reused in the present. The breadth of the term is also made visible in the fact that many times vintage things or elements are seen as high quality items but other times it can also mean poor quality products or antiques that are in poor condition. That is, it depends on the particular use that is given to the term, it can have positive or negative connotations.

Due to the constant evolution of society, the return to elements that in other times were all the rage is something common and even understandable if one takes into account that as time passes, tastes, interests, the search for novelties and originality are things that change easily and go to and from opposite poles. Thus, it is common to see in fashion that garments, prints or styles are used again that a few years ago were criticized and considered very old-fashioned.

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