
definition of social development

The concept of Social Development refers to the development of both human capital and social capital of a society. It implies and consists of an evolution or positive change in the relationships between individuals, groups and institutions of a society, with Social Welfare being the project for the future..

Basically, Social Development should be understood as a process of improving the quality of life of a society. A community will be considered to have a high quality of life when its inhabitants, within a framework of peace, freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, equity, equality and solidarity, have wide and recurring possibilities of satisfying their needs and also power. unfold their potentialities and knowledge with a view to achieving a future improvement in their lives, in terms of personal fulfillment and in terms of the fulfillment of society as a whole..

Although Social Welfare, which is what social development ultimately aspires to, has an important load of subjectivity inherent to each individual, that is, what for me is welfare for another good cannot be, and vice versa, there is a set of factors that contribute to the achievement of the same and that even with the subjectivities of the case, turn out to be very common even in the differences.

The importance of the economy, health and education in development

Being able to access a decent and well-paid job according to the tasks performed, access to a decent home in which to live with the family and protect it from the risks that life on the street would entail, the possibility of educate and educate our children so that tomorrow one and they can effectively enjoy better job opportunities and also be able to have adequate health care that can help us solve and overcome some diseases in order to continue with our projects They turn out to be some of the primary, basic factors that will allow us to enjoy the ultimate goal, which is well-being, and they are also unequal conditions to speak of a satisfactory social development in a given society.

Justice and freedom cannot and should not be left out of social development

But not everything is money and social development also supposes that a nation observes other issues, in addition to a population that can have its basic needs satisfied, such as the correct administration of justice and the presence of freedom so that citizens can think and express themselves freely. . These conditions are also essential for a nation to develop socially in accordance.

A ministry of social development that ensures the development of its citizens

As long as and in order to achieve the development of a community, in most of the nations of the world there is a portfolio, secretariat or ministry, as appropriate, specially in charge of this issue, that is, to develop and promote public policies in order to facilitate those with fewer resources have the achievement or progress towards some type of development.

Unfortunately, in most societies that make up the world inequality prevails over social equality, while in underdeveloped countries the gap between those with the most and those with the least is tremendously large. For this reason, the presence of the state is necessary, essential, to make that crack as less abysmal as possible.

And only then, as we said above, is it possible to reduce this difference through the implementation of public policies. But of course, the state is huge and has many edges in which to venture and for this reason it is available to attack the deficiencies through a specialization. The ministries of social development will be specifically in charge of meeting the needs of the most deprived population sector.

In principle, it will try to attack the problem through the delivery of subsidies, normally this action is carried out to cover the needs that would otherwise be unsatisfied and could generate many complications for the person in their development as required.

The state as a whole in favor of social development

Then, the ideal and recommended thing is that the state through this ministry takes care of generating the necessary conditions so that these people can insert themselves into society, get a decent job that allows the person to support themselves and do the same with their family . It also requires a job and a general approach, that is, the development ministry must work together with other ministerial portfolios: labor, economy, education, so that everyone agrees on public policies that agree on the achievement of development Social.

Photo Fotolia: Pukach2012

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