
definition of physical culture

The Physical Culture, better known as Physical education , is a Pedagogical discipline that focuses on body movement in order to develop in a comprehensive and harmonious way the physical, affective and cognitive capacities of people with the mission of improving their quality of life in the different aspects of this, family, social and productive. That is, physical culture can begin as an individual need but it cannot be ignored and attributed a social need as well.

Then, physical culture, in addition to being an educational activity, may be a recreational, social, competitive and even therapeutic activity.

Meanwhile, physical culture is designated as a discipline and not as a science as a consequence that it does not deal with the specific study of a certain object but actually takes elements from different sciences and from this it forms its own framework theoretical.

On the other hand, physical culture has evolved that old idea that held that the human being is a sum of body, mind and soul and that is why it works on the different aspects of a person as a unit, that is, man is a body but also has a soul and a mind that, like the body, need attention.

Various approaches to physical culture

There are different currents of physical culture, which differ from each other according to the way in which the discipline is focused.

For example, there are those who focus on education and then the field of action will be the school and the educational system in general. On the other hand, those that focus on health, consider physical culture as a health promoting agent that it has a clear incidence in the prevention of diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases; It is common for those who suffer from these to be advised to practice physical culture in order to alleviate symptoms.

Those who focus on competition understand physical culture as sports training for the development of high performance.

For their part, those that focus on recreation prioritize playful activities that link the subject with the environment. And the ones that promote body expression, are nourished by influences such as: yoga, dance and music.

A healthy body and mind

Although physical culture predominantly involves and deals with the care of the body with the mission of achieving the well-being of the body, this is only one part, a link to be able to have a healthy life, but of course, and by case, to have A strong health is not only enough to do physical exercises or practice sports on a daily basis, but to this, which is very necessary in the chain, we must also add the observance of healthy habits, such as: no smoking, not drinking excessively and eating as healthy as possible.

Another fundamental leg to have a physical well-being is Go periodically to the clinical doctor for check-ups.

As well indicated lines above our mind also plays an essential role in matters of bodily health because both mind and body are closely linked… It has been proven that a mind that is not calm can trigger physical ailments and chronic diseases, which is why physical culture must also emphasize the care of the psyche.

And so that the mind does not play a trick on our body, there is nothing better than taking it away from stress, for example, doing some therapeutic work with a professional or practicing a relaxation system in the style of meditation.

Other very effective alternatives are meeting friends, family, or those who give our spirit a balm of peace and harmony. And also practicing some sport or doing some artistic activity can be excellent therapies that help to remove our mind from the burden that daily obligations tend to trigger.

So this balance of body and spirit is the great work that physical culture has ahead of it.

Meanwhile, if we see that we need extra help and that our own good will is not enough, we can consult professionals such as physical trainers, nutritionists or psychotherapists who will know exactly what it is that we must do, or, failing that, abandon, to be balanced in body and mind.

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