
definition of friction

The friction implies the action and result of friction, which supposes rub hard and scrub very vigorously a material or a part of the body, among other possibilities.

Meanwhile, the friction force It is the name by which that force that turns out to be contrary to the movement of one surface over another is called, or failing that, to the opposite force at the beginning of a certain movement.

The result of friction is found mainly by the imperfections that the surfaces that come into contact present. Although they can be microscopic, they generate friction that later becomes friction.

There are two types of friction, on the one hand, static friction It is about the resistance to overcome in order to set one body in motion with respect to another with which it is in contact; and on the other hand the dynamic friction It implies a resistance of constant magnitude that opposes the movement, once it has already started. That is, static friction will act at the behest of bodies at relative rest, while dynamics will do the same when the bodies are already in motion.

Two clear examples that show both types of friction are: the engine that remains stopped without running for a long time (static friction) and the abrupt braking of the tires of a car on the pavement (dynamic friction).

Yet another case in which friction is likely to be directly appreciated is through so-called friction toys. There are toy vehicles that mimic the behavior of trucks and cars; the toy in question having to be dragged backwards so that the wheels complete the friction mechanism and can take the necessary momentum to move. When the toy is released, it immediately walks away.

Another fairly common use of the term friction, allows to account for the disagreements that arise between two people or groups for having different views about the same issue.

And Friction has also been the name of an Argentine rock band that was formed in 1985 and remained in force until 1988. It stood out because its members included Gustavo Cerati, the singer and leader of the Argentine pop band Soda Stereo. The training was completed with Richard Coleman, Fernando Samalea, Christian Basso, Gonzalo Palacios, Celsa Mel Gowland and Daniel Castro.

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