
definition of atypical

It is said that something or someone is atypical when they do not fit into a pre-established type or model, that is, when something or someone is different, different, special, or infrequent to the average. The atypical will always escape the common. For example, these terms are also used as synonyms for this concept..

When the term is applied to things, it may be that the object in question is atypical due to its design, taste, texture, aroma, function, that is, some of these characteristics make it different from the rest and highlight it, many times considering it as unique. and impossible to be confused, or compared to the rest.

Now, we must say that what is atypical can have a negative and also positive connotation, depending on who looks at it. For this reason, it is also worth saying that subjectivity will come into play in determining the atypical.

A look both positive and negative

If an individual behaves in an unexpected, atypical way, in a context in which that behavior is not accepted by the majority, of course, he will be looked at with disgust and will not be accepted in any way.

This usually happens in very formal settings where basically no output from the protocols or the preset is accepted.

Meanwhile, in other areas, such as the artistic world, the atmosphere that is breathed is freer and more relaxed and then many behaviors or proposals are accepted that are out of the ordinary and that are characterized precisely by their transgression and difference with respect to the rest. That is their great capital, the atypical thing they propose.

On the other hand and continuing with the examples, in the world of modeling, when a model arises that does not comply with the traditional measures of 90-60-90, or does not reach what is considered an acceptable height to wear clothing on a catwalk , among other alternatives, but on the contrary, it exceeds the same in the case of size or has a height that does not exceed one and a half meters, but despite any of these situations the model in question achieves notable success, receiving incessantly proposals to participate in advertising campaigns and parades, such a situation within this scope will be considered as atypical.

On the other hand, when a child as young as four years old plays the piano at the level of an already mature professional soloist and it took him years to reach that level of perfection, the aforementioned question will also be considered as atypical.

Also when a patient has a condition that is not characterized by the parameters established for it, it will be called atypical.

Law: rule that does not conform to the law

Meanwhile, at the request of criminal law all those will be called atypical actions that are not adequate or in accordance with the prescribed criminal law and that therefore turn out to be punishable within the framework of the law.

Psychology: that which is not based on a model

And from the point of view of psychology, we will speak of something atypical when it is not found based on a model or type.

Traditionally, atypical facts, situations, events and people tend to arouse great interest among people, who like to see, know and hear about these stories that are different from the usual and current ones; therefore, they turn out to be regular content in the media that reflect them because of the interest they hold.

The concept that is opposed is that of typical, which will refer to everything characteristic or representative of a type or model.

"Mario has the typical behavior of a jealous man, he calls his girlfriend every so often to check where she is."

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