
definition of didactic unit

At the behest of a teaching context, this concept refers to an orderly and planned learning space, generally used in the first educational levels, such as early childhood education and primary education, and is used as a kind of planning means in which it will settle what will be done during a certain period of time, with the final and ultimate intention of guaranteeing a scientific and systematized planning of everything that will be done in the school classroom.

The Didactic Unit is a learning model that is fundamentally linked to constructivist theoriesAs we know, they follow the current of constructivism which affirms that human knowledge of all things is a mental process of the individual that develops internally and as the individual interacts with his environment.

Meanwhile, it is comprised of the following elements: Didactic goals (the statement of the capacities that the student must achieve at the end of the unit and that must be consistent with the general and referential objectives), contents (those knowledge organized in a harmonious way and that are stated as concepts, procedures and attitudes), activities (those means that will allow to achieve the planned objectives: collection of ideas, introductory, development, synthesis and expression activities) and evaluation (from the results obtained).

They usually cover a fortnightly time, although they are mostly adapted to those time needs that the group in question demands.

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