
company definition

The word we are analyzing has two meanings. It can be understood as a synonym for a project or plan that involves some kind of difficulty. On the other hand, the most common use refers to the entity oriented to carry out an economic activity. From the point of view of the economy, a company is in charge of satisfying market demands. To achieve its objectives, it coordinates capital and labor and makes use of passive materials such as technology, raw materials, etc.

Different ways of understanding the same concept

The origin of companies as they are conceived today must be traced to key moments in the development of capitalism, especially in the 19th century, with the industrial revolution and the spread of the ideas of Adam Smith. This time coincides with the first works related to how to manage and organize a company in a more systematic way.

From a legal point of view, there are different types of companies: sole proprietorships, cooperatives, community, as a public limited company or as a limited liability company, among many others.

From the point of view of size, we speak of micro-companies, large companies or multinationals or medium-sized companies.

With regard to economic activity, each company is dedicated to a specific sector, that is, the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

In relation to the origin of capital, there are private, public and mixed companies.

The pursuit of business success according to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Regardless of their legal form, size or origin of capital, all companies are designed for success. Much has been written about the keys to success and in this sense it is worth mentioning a paradigmatic model of business success, that of Steve Jobs. Some of their tips are as follows:

1) Do what one feels true passion about,

2) Create connections between different fields,

3) Learn to say no,

4) Create different experiences and at the same time intense,

5) Improve the message that is transmitted to the client and

6) Sell dreams and not simply products or services.

Another interesting take on business success is that of Bill Gates. The keys to achieve this are the following:

1) Assuming that life is not fair,

2) The world is not interested in the self-esteem of the entrepreneur,

3) You have to accept that immediately after the training period you will not earn an exorbitant salary,

4) Most bosses are tougher than the most demanding of teachers,

5) No humble work is unworthy,

6) If we make mistakes we should not blame others and what we have to do is learn from mistakes,

7) Before embarking on the path of business success, it is advisable to start by fixing your own personal life,

8) In real life there are winners and losers,

9) Television and the media have little to do with real life and real people don't live in a movie,

10) You have to work tirelessly and

11) It is necessary to know how to adapt to changes.

The company has an extremely important role in the development of society in general. In addition to generating employment, it supplies those goods and services satisfying needs in general, grants loans motivating investment and the possibility of purchase, and continually makes useful products known through advertising. However, all these possibilities only take place in a market economy.

The state must guarantee an appropriate environment for the company to develop insofar as it fulfills its social functions. In this sense, investments should be facilitated, provide legal security and play an active role in times of crisis by injecting liquidity into the market. It is important to understand that despite the fact that the purpose of a company is profit, the benefits it gives to society are always greater.

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