
definition of enthusiasm

The term enthusiasm is one that is used to refer to an attitude or way of facing different situations in life. This attitude is characterized by a display of excessive interest or joy in something. Enthusiasm could be considered as an inner force that gives the person the feeling of wanting to do things, of being or feeling happy, motivated and inclined to do what is requested. In most cases, the enthusiasm of a person depends on the stimulus or incentive that he may receive, whether it is generated externally (for example, when a teacher enthuses his students to do a task) or also generated internally (by For example, when a person encourages himself to want to pursue higher goals).

Enthusiasm is considered one of the most positive emotions since it is not only related to the feeling of pleasure or being at ease, but it is also linked to the idea of ​​feeling encouraged, interested, committed to something to carry it out. The best way possible. Enthusiasm is then felt as something internal that transmits strength to the person so that they can continue with their activities.

We can say that in today's societies, enthusiasm is a precious commodity since the constant anxiety or feeling of tiredness or discomfort that people often suffer from having to lead a hectic and hurried lifestyle prevents one from feeling so enthusiastic on a physical level as well as on an emotional level. In this sense, the idea of ​​enthusiasm has to do with getting out of a routine, doing something new and varying in order to discover or learn new things. The routine and tiring days then prevent someone from feeling enthusiastic.

In addition, the lack of enthusiasm also has to do with states of depression or reluctance since those who feel enthusiastic about something do so because they find positive options in what they see and put aside all the negative.

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