
definition of promise

A promise It is a commitment that one person assumes with another through the word when committing to the fulfillment of a specific action. There are different types of commitment, for example, a friend can promise another that he will not tell a secret that he has revealed in the sphere of intimacy. Similarly, a married couple is promised fidelity and respect on their wedding day. A promise is a gesture of love towards a person to whom you value really, therefore, you give your word.

A promise is a gesture that arises from the Liberty staff who freely agrees to do something specific for another person. A promise can never arise from an external compulsion because it is an act that arises from the depths of the heart.

The value of the word

A promiseOn an emotional level, it can have the same value as a contract even if it is not signed. When one person makes a firm commitment to another, the recipient of that promise takes that oath as an absolute truth. Unfortunately, because human beings are imperfect and limited, they also often break their promises. In that case, disenchantment personal, sadness, feeling of having been betrayed, negative thinking and anger.

Covenants one has to take responsibility for

For example, through a infidelity a married person breaks his promise of fidelity made in marriage. Before making a promise, it is very important to be aware that words have direct consequences, therefore, you have to take responsibility for the expectations you generate in others. If you are not willing to meet these expectations, then in an assertive way do not you promise nothing that you are not willing to fulfill because nobody forces you to do it.

Being aware of the value of a promise is an act of maturity that is acquired through experience. Children are not aware of the value of promising something. Of all the possible promises, the greatest expression of love is that of parents towards their children who love them unconditionally with a love that is the greatest of all promises. faith and hope.

Never promise something that you cannot keep

In conclusion, do not promise something that you know you will not keep because a relationship breaks down to the rhythm of unfulfilled promises. Instead, a relationship is strengthened through firm promises. A promise has an eternity value, if you promise something, it is forever.

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