
definition of futile

While that of futile It is not a term frequently used in our everyday language, the word is part of our language and its use is intended for the reference of what is of very little importance and as such turns out to be insignificant, ineffective, useless, or has little value.

That which is unimportant or of little value

It is a concept that can be applied in various contexts and situations to express the aforementioned.

Meanwhile, we must mention that the futile is subjective since it will be determined by the values ​​and experiences of each person, something being futile for someone and not for another.

Well then, When some situation, question, or event is of very little importance, it is correct that we use the word at hand to indicate it.. “The resignation of the manager was taken as a futile matter by a good part of the company's board of directors, it is incredible.”

Futile ideas, arguments and fights

At the level of communication and the dissemination of ideas, the use of this word is recurrent to refer to those speeches or arguments that turn out to be insignificant, not very important and relevant.

There will not be a consistency in a futile idea or argument, a content, for example, it is not necessary to look for it in that framework.

We can also find futile fights that are those in which irrelevant or worthless issues are discussed.

But of course, it is normal and common for people to start discussions of this type when they do not want to face complex problems that require substantive discussions for their solution.

In politics, in campaign times, it is common for candidates to engage in futile disputes that end up distracting the focus of voters to minor issues that are not the ones that really matter and can change their lives for the better.

Important issues have not been discussed in depth in world politics for a long time, and on the contrary, leaders are embroiled in futile polemics.

Futile human behavior: insensitive to the needs of others and oriented to the satisfaction of one's own pleasures

On the other hand, we can speak of futile human behavior, when the person is apathetic and disinterested towards injustice, in the face of the needs and problems of his neighbor, while on the other hand he shows an inclination to satisfy his immediate appetite, of the moment, devoid of of any kind of commitment to fundamental causes that would make the world better.

And this is basically because he is not interested at all what happens around him, but only what happens to him.

The person is embarked on the objective of satisfying their needs and mediated pleasures through consumption, of the material, because those who promote consumerism make them believe that by consuming they will find happiness, immediately afterwards they devalue everything that implies complexity and commitment.

The word futile presents a variety of synonyms that present a more common and current use in colloquial language, such is the case of insignificant, trivial, and inconsequential.

All of them also allow us to express that which has a very low importance, significance, interest and novelty.

For instance: "their opinion is irrelevant for the continuation of the group; when we get together with my friends we spend hours talking about trivial matters.”

Meanwhile, the important word turns out to be the word that directly opposes the term at hand.

Because important involves that or that one that presents a phenomenal repercussion in a certain context, in a group, an association, a community, among others.

In other words, what is important is closely linked to the concept of interest, since what is always important is because it arouses the interest and attention of a large number of people.

But also with another concept, that of value, since it is precisely the value that someone presents per se, or what surrounds him, that will make him important.

On the other hand, what is necessary for someone should also be considered as important.

Thus, if an employee turns out to be essential for a company, it should try, above all, to keep him at ease and in accordance with his work, his remuneration, among other issues.

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