
definition of zootechnical engineering

Zootechnics is the scientific and technical discipline that is responsible for raising domestic animals. In this way, the zootechnical engineer is the professional who guides their activity in this area. In short, its activity is focused on raising and improving the production of farm animals.

Zootechnics and veterinary

The zootechnical engineer works with farm animals in their productive dimension, that is, as a source of food for the population. On the contrary, the veterinarian is exclusively responsible for the health of the animals. Both professions are closely linked, since the veterinarian takes care of the health of the animals so that the zootechnical engineer can design an adequate production strategy. Likewise, from zootechnics, the genetic improvement of the different animal species, the optimization of livestock or their artificial insemination is sought.

Zootechnics and veterinary medicine have so many links that in some universities they unify these two branches in a specialty. Students who link the two branches in their study plans focus on subjects such as biology, physiology, anatomy or zoology (they would be the basic and general areas) and, on the other hand, more specific areas (agricultural production, genetics and animal reproduction, agrarian legislation or management of the agricultural company).

Fields of action

One can speak of two general fields of specialization: animal production and nutrition. Regarding animal production, there is a very broad field of action: farm design, livestock production, environmental impact, confinement systems or intensive farming. With regard to nutrition, the zootechnical engineer tries to ensure that the nutritional composition of the species is the most suitable for its commercialization.

Challenges of zootechnical engineering

The globalization of trade has also affected the activity of animal farms. One of the most relevant aspects is to guarantee the safety and quality of animal meat (for example, cattle and pigs).

At present, research is being carried out on organic foods that can nourish farm animals in order to avoid the use of chemical components.

It must be taken into account that zootechnics focuses on the production of animals (pigs, birds or goats) to obtain proteins for human consumption. For this to be possible, a balance must be found between two aspects: commercial profitability and food safety.

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