
definition of sociogram

The sociology it is one of the sciences that society itself studies the most. Society is a dynamic entity made up of the sum of people. There are different possible tools for studying society. For example, it is possible to use a sociogram as a means to obtain specific information about a social group. Sociograms are a simple technique that in the form of a graph they serve to show the structure of a certain social group, whether it is a large or small group.

The importance of commonalities to connect the objects of analysis

To use the sociogram in the study of a given group it is important that there are common links between its members in order to establish similarities. The graph provides a better understanding of the affinities between group members. In which sectors is the sociogram tool most frequently used? This method is often used in education.

The sociogram it is a fantastic technique of analyzing data that shows an objective reality. It focuses its attention in a particular way on the way in which affective bonds are established within a specific group. As we said before, through the use of the sociogram, it is also possible to obtain very important information about the relationships that children establish with each other in the classroom context. For example, it is possible to identify who is the leader of the group, which people have the most popularity in the classroom and with the highest level of influence through their words and actions.

On the contrary, it is also possible to identify who is suffering from the emptiness on the part of colleagues, with the consequent deterioration of their self-esteem. The knowledge of reality itself is essential to be able to do something about it since teachers, as adults, have a role of guides for students.

What kinds of questions can a questionnaire of this type include?

For example, the question: With whom of your colleagues do you like to work in a group? What classmates do you prefer to play with at recess? Which companions do you find the most sympathetic?

In short, the sociogram It also includes the elaboration of questionnaires with questions that contain valuable information to interpret reality with objectivity.

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