
definition of subtitle

To the concept of subtitle We give it two fundamental uses in our language.

Phrase that follows the title and expands the information

One of them is closely linked to texts, documents, literary works, journalistic pieces, and that consists of that title that occupies a secondary place and that by case is placed after the main one. The title is the word or phrase from which a work is named, a work and that is closely related to its content. It is almost always chosen and created by the author of it.

And then the subtitle can consist of a word or phrase that follows the main title and that usually has the mission of expanding the information that is provided in the title.

Now, we must also highlight that in some texts, reviews, reports, summaries, among others, the subtitle divides the text and anticipates the reader about what this or that paragraph is about. For example, many times we think of a subtitle and attractive titles that generate hook, attraction in the reader since there are many people who get carried away by them when reading or not a text.

If the title or subtitle contains something significant, which generates interest, surely what follows will be read, what follows them.

Movie subtitles

And the other hyper-extended reference that is attributed to the word in question is the superimpression of phrases, words, among others, that appears at the bottom of the cinema or TV screen during the projection or transmission of a film and that corresponds to the translation of the dialogues, sayings that are commented and said by the characters in the original version and that it is not in the original language of the place where it is being projected and therefore it is placed so that people can understand the story.

Subtitles or dubbing

This is one of the most widespread ways of translating tapes, television programs, among others, that are broadcast in a foreign place and in another language. It is also possible that instead of placing these subtitles, a dubbing is made, that is, professional actors, they dub the characters in an acted way.

Normally, in cinemas we find both options when the film is foreign, dubbing and subtitles, so that the public can choose which alternative is more comfortable for watching the film.

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