
definition of domination

The word domination allows to refer the control that someone, a group, among others, have over another individual, over another group, over a thing, such is the case of a territory, or over some object, among other alternatives.

Control that someone has over another and allows them to bend and subject them to their decisions

In a context of domination, a group or person will exercise a role of absolute authority and power in relation to another, over which it will be imposed in every sense.

This can be due to various factors and so the concept is often applied in various situations.

Political domination throughout history

At the political level, he mentions a circumstance in which a given group has a majority in the various areas of the state; in the case of democratic systems, this majority that grants absolute power is achieved through the majority of votes obtained in the elections.

In the case of dictatorships, it will be achieved through coercion, threats and the restriction of individual freedoms.

Since the most remote times of humanity there has been the situation that a community, a people, a culture has hegemony over another, which is weaker for different reasons.

War was the context in which the power of two communities was normally measured, and so the one who emerged victorious in it would be the one who from then on would have power and dominance, while the loser only had the option of abide and submit, and even in many situations they were required to pay a tax.

This situation opened the way to slavery, since those who lost ended up depending on the strongest and had to work for them to survive.

In the Roman Empire we can find the most paradigmatic case in history in this type of situation that we describe since it was common for the rulers to put neighboring peoples to war and when they dominated them they forced them to pay them a tribute and little by little they left. appropriating their territories to the point of totally displacing their belongings.

With the arrival of the Middle Ages and the famous Feudal system that prevailed at this time, the landowners subdued their workers and forced them to hand over what they produced.

At present, domination passes more through the economic and military power that one nation can hold over another. These two variables are what weigh to make it stronger.

The look of sociology

From the point of view of Sociology, more precisely from that of the sociologist Max weber, a student of the scope of the concept, domination is the probability of finding obedience within a given group for specific or all kinds of mandates.

Types of domination

Domination will be linked to different issues such as: customs, affections, material interestsMeanwhile, the type of domination in question will be determined from these questions, which according to Weber may be: legal domination (Legitimacy has a rational character and is based on faith in the legality of established orders, for example, obedience to a set of rules; the laws are the ones that will define the type of authority that the ruler may exercise) traditional domination The charismatic domination (It is characterized by dedication to the person who is considered the absolute leader, because it breaks with the everyday and the ordinary, falling surrendered to the charismatic force that the leader embodies, that is, according to what is admired about him is that it is respected and accepted to be dominated).

Meanwhile, the word domination is closely related to other terms, which is why it is frequently used as synonyms for them, such as: submission, submission, authority, power, dictatorship, absolutism, abuse, oppression, supremacy.

Meanwhile, a concept that is directly opposed to domination is that of rebellion.

And by his side, domination and submission, also known by the acronym D / s, is the name given to a type of sexual behavior, customs and practices that are characterized by the dominance exercised by one individual over another.

In some extreme cases that domination that is exercised can be really extreme in physical terms and reach what is known as sadomasochism.

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