
definition of pineapple

The Pineapple It is a tropical fruit, its scientific name is Ananas comosus, it is a plant that belongs to the Bromeliad family, genus Anna, a Sativa species present in the tropics and subtropics, native to South America.

The plant grows in the ground where it takes the form of a rosette composed of multiple long, rigid leaves endowed with thorns. In the central part of the plant a stem emerges on which the fruit develops, which has an oval shape with a crown of leaves.

This plant requires a warm climate and high humidity to develop, obtaining two crops a year.

Main nutrients present in pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit rich in several nutrients, each 100 gr of this fruit contains 25 µg of beta-carotene, 180 mg of potassium, 11 mg of magnesium, 40 µg of Thiamine, 30 µg of Riboflavin, 21 mg of Vitamin C and fiber, In addition to these, it contains other nutrients in lower concentrations.

Its composition also includes an enzyme called Bromelain, known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Tips when selecting and storing pineapples

- Ripe pineapples should be preferred since once harvested they do not continue to ripen

- It must be kept at room temperature or refrigerated at a temperature higher than 7 ° C, at lower temperatures, cold damage such as brown appears.

- Pineapple can undergo fermentation with maturation, so it is recommended that little time elapse between harvest and consumption.

- If when palpating the pineapple it has soft areas or that ooze liquid, they should be avoided since these changes are a reflection that a fermentation process is taking place.

Beneficial effects of pineapple for health

Pineapple has a number of beneficial effects derived from its composition, these include:

Antioxidant effect. Related to the presence of Vitamin C and beta-carotene, this effect is related to the neutralization of free radicals, substances related to aging and the appearance of diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Anti-inflammatory effect. The bromelain present in pineapple gives it anti-inflammatory effects, especially when there is damage to the tissues such as in the case of trauma or surgery, for this reason it is used in the postoperative period to help reduce inflammation, pain and accelerate the reabsorption of the bruising, as well as conditions like muscle tears and sprains.

Diuretic effect. Another of the properties of this fruit is its ability to help remove fluids from the tissues that are then eliminated in the urine, which is why it is used in case of edema and circulatory disorders in the legs. In this case, it can be used in combination with cucumber in the form of juice.

Digestive effect The bromelain contained in pineapple facilitates the process of digestion of food, especially protein, making it easier to absorb nutrients.

Photo: iStock - CSA-Printstock

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