
definition of dependency

According to the use that is given to it, the word dependence can refer various questions.

Dependence is subordination

On the one hand, when one wants to refer to the subordination that someone presents with respect to another in a work environment, we speak of dependency. Generally, in a company, employees manifest a relationship of dependency in relation to their bosses or immediate superiors, owing them respect and must also go to them every time they need authorization to access a special permit or to move forward in any negotiation or business that they are attending.

The employee who is working in a dependency relationship, as it is said of those who do not work independently or on their own, will never be able to make unilateral decisions on their own, but will have to consult almost everything with their boss or superior.

There are people who, due to the characteristics of their way of being, do not support this situation and are usually quite problematic in jobs of this type and then their luck usually ends in dismissal for not knowing how to follow orders.

Administrative dependencies

Also, it is designated with the term of dependency to that office that depends on another that has a greater entity or importance.

Many companies or state organizations carry out tasks of national scope and even international in some cases, so, in order to cover their work in an entire territory, or abroad, they need to establish dependencies, which as we said are smaller offices that depend on one headquarters or headquarters and in which the same procedures are carried out. They are also often referred to as affiliates.

Unit or service area in a house

Meanwhile, to each of the rooms in which a house or apartment is divided is designated by the generic term of dependencies. Meanwhile it is commonly called as a service unit, to that room where the maid, the housekeeper or the butler who works and lives in a house is housed. They are generally designed in the area adjacent to the kitchen and in addition to the bedroom, they have a bathroom in which the staff can wash.

Dependence on the OTHER

Likewise, by dependency, it is called that situation in which a person, for some reason, be it physical, mental, mental, economic or cultural, cannot fend for himself in life, needing others, that is, the high degree of disability and dysfunctionality that the person presents is of such a degree that yes or yes he must resort to help, intervention, aid and care from third parties.

For example, in the case of an elderly person, it is recurrent that given the arrival of a certain advanced age in which the inevitable cognitive and motor impairments occur, a person needs the constant and systematic help of another to be able to use the most important issues. such as eating, fulfilling their needs, dressing, moving from one place to another, among other issues.

In this case we would be facing a physical and mental dependence. The physical dependencies also usually require the use of special instruments that help the person to move more independently, such is the case of wheelchairs, canes, crutches, among others.

Meanwhile, the other type of dependencies that we mention may occur, is the economic one, which is generally manifested by those who do not have, for some reason, the ability to sustain themselves or produce capital to maintain themselves and therefore depend on a third party. Older people, some women, and some nations are often financially dependent on others.

This type of dependency is one of the most common and it is also one of the most conflicts that arise when it breaks or ceases to exist and this is so because it simply leaves the person without the material resources necessary to continue living.

Drug addiction

On the other hand, the word dependency usually has a special presence in the context of addictions and their treatment. There is talk of dependence on alcohol, drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, among others, pills, when a person cannot stop consuming them despite being able to have proposed it by all possible means.

When dependence on any of these substances reaches a point of total inability to quit and also begins to generate health and behavioral problems in addicted people, the intervention of some treatment will be necessary to definitively end that dependence.

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