
definition of anticipation

There are different ways of dealing with life through attitude. In this sense, an attitude very typical of our time marked by pressure and excess responsibilities is anticipation. The anticipation of always wanting to be one step ahead is the result of the impatience and haste with which many people face reality.

Always thinking about what is to come is not healthy

People who tend to anticipate are those who anticipate the course of events, they are people who do not focus on the present because their mind is not on the now but on what may happen (although in reality the future seen from the present is a mere hypothesis). Living in the future produces anxiety, restlessness, and frustration.

But in addition, it is a huge loss of weather. From a positive point of view, anticipation applied with emotional intelligence, that is, with balance and in the right way, is very positive because it allows good planning. For example, it is a positive gesture to consult each night the next day's agenda with the objective to have a good planning of the day.

You can never anticipate tomorrow, even when you are certain

In other cases, being proactive also implies anticipate you to what may happen to be able to assess different alternatives to a given event. Anticipating you can have a trap and that is that on a human level it is impossible to know one hundred percent what will happen tomorrow. No one can precede the future. Anticipation is a skill more typical of adults than of children. It is a ability that is acquired through experience and the maturity of living.

The importance of appreciating now

People who tend to get ahead They should think about what is going to happen that they are wasting their time because while they live focused on a reality that has not yet arrived, they are not valuing the really important time: the present, which as its name indicates is a true gift.

The anticipation It is the fruit of the desire for security and control that exists in the human heart. However, destiny is unpredictable and uncertain, life breaks our plans and puts us to the test in many moments (sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse).

Living in a hurry is never healthy, it is exhausting to live in tension pending what is going to happen tomorrow. Relax and enjoy this moment that is unrepeatable.

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