
definition of temple

The word temple can be used in different senses, although some of them are related. Normally when speaking of temperament, reference is made to what is considered by many religions as a virtue and which means acting with balance and serenity in the face of various events that life can involve. On the other hand, when we speak of a tempered element, it is meant that this element was previously worked in a specific way to alter its main characteristics, as is the case with tempered or tempered steel.

However, the temple is understood in most cases as the first meaning of the word. The notion of temper comes from that of temperance. Temperance is, as said, a characteristic of a person's personality that is normally considered by various religions to be a virtue. This is so since temperance implies acting with patience, good sense and serenity in the face of events that can alter one both psychically and emotionally (for example, an accident, the death of a loved one or various frustrations that one has to deal with. throughout life).

The temper is then the ability that a person can have to moderate emotions (an attitude always well seen by religions) and act in a measured and moderate way, without losing internal peace and without adding greater conflict or aggressiveness to a situation that is supposed already painful or conflicting enough. However, temper is never understood as a total lack of feelings or as coldness, but rather it supposes the right measure, the balance between those two worlds that a person as a high being possesses and that he must make coexist in the best way. Possessing temper means having emotionality, feeling, pitying the other, but always maintaining an attitude of strength and spiritual solidity.

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