
manufacturing definition

Production of objects that involves transformation of raw material

The word manufacturing can refer: to the production of objects through mechanical means (Juan's family has dedicated their entire life to the manufacture of sports shoes), or, to imply the construction or elaboration of something (the bee is the species to which the manufacture of honey is owed).

The making of anything usually involves the conversion of the characteristics of a raw material into a product. The aforementioned transformation can be carried out using machines or with the manual work of experts in the field.

Generally, when we talk about manufacturing, we are talking about mass production of what is manufactured, that is, a significant number of copies of the same product are manufactured and a production chain is used in order to achieve greater efficiency.

The mass production, in some way, came to modify the current criteria and beliefs and without a doubt it gave rise to the growth and development of the industry in general, since the scope was phenomenal in all types of industries making it more efficient and lowering costs.

The factory, the production establishment

Meanwhile, it is called factory to the establishment that has the necessary tools and facilities to carry out the manufacture of the products in question or the physical space in which the industrial transformation of an energy source is achieved.

The manufacturing process usually involves a transformation of one or more raw materials in order to create a product that can later be marketed and used by the end consumer. Meanwhile, this process can be carried out manually, speaking of artisan manufacturing or with machines, which will be installed in the factory for the use of operators.

For example, a hosiery factory has the necessary machinery to transform cotton into hosiery and it may also happen that another factory is needed to complete the transformation process, one that weaves, another that dyes, among other possibilities.

There are many types of products that we use in our daily lives and that come directly from a factory: clothing, footwear, oils, electrical appliances, furniture, among others.

The Industrial Revolution, hinge moment for manufacturing

There is a historical event that will mark a before and after in the industry and that will also mark the birth of these establishments throughout the world: The Industrial Revolution, in the 18th century. At this moment in history, artisanal manual work gives way to serial work and opens up the possibility of being able to obtain a greater production of goods in less time and at a lower cost.

But also to the benefits reported by the appearance of the factory and this type of production were added disadvantages, especially raised by Marxism and its faithful creator and exponent the philosopher Karl Marx who argued that the work in the factory had caused a tremendous and disastrous consequence for man as alienation.

According to Marx's vision, the factory employee only performs the work of a part of the product that is then placed for sale, while he does not see its final result and tends not to enjoy it. In addition, he considered that the factory worker's activity was poorly paid and ended up being exhausting for him due to the routine he imposed.

Originally, the factories were located near the houses of the workers of the same and this gave rise to the so-called working-class neighborhoods. This situation gave way to a certainly very poor living condition for the worker because most of these factories brought severe problems for environmental pollution and the lives of the workers. Over time, they began to be installed in areas further away from the city, although it is impossible in some cases to eradicate them from community life and that is why it is recurrent to hear about pollution problems and the health of neighbors that cause them. .

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