
definition of experience

An experience is that experience that a person lives in his life and that in some way becomes part of his character, since what he feels and learns in it will provide him with wisdom and will also serve as a guide for the future when he must face a simile situation.

Experience that leaves indelible marks and learning

This life experience that implies living will leave traces, marks, in the person that will last in time, it will be difficult for them to forget them.

The experience, then, supposes the possibility of acquiring knowledge and also skills that will undoubtedly enrich the person, because always after an experience, information will be recorded that in the future, if repeated, will not only allow knowing how to act in this or that situation. similar to that of the past experience, but also will leave us a revealing learning, which will be decisive to avoid repeating a bad attitude, behavior or wrong choice.

Because there is something that, although it is not a written law, does occur frequently, when someone has a favorable experience that gave them pleasure and pleasure, over time, they will remember it as positive, they will learn from it and they will try to repeat it, however, When, on the contrary, the experience has been unpleasant, none of that will happen and everything that evokes it will be considered as a bad memory.

Pass on the experiences

On the other hand, the experiences of an individual, although they are not the same as another person, are undoubtedly important to know, and it is good to always transfer them to others when possible, because in some way they will enrich those who have not experienced something. similar, and in the event that a similar situation arises in the future, they will have tools to resolve it, or failing that, if they do not involve learning in the immediate future, they will surely satisfy the curiosity desires that we human beings have regarding some situations, professions, among other possibilities.

The experiences can be very varied and of course cover the most different areas but they all coincide in the fact that they will provide us with unprecedented learning that will serve us for the rest of our lives.

Psychology raises the relevance of the experience and the need to rethink them to achieve positive effects

Psychology attributes enormous importance to experiences since they consider that these experiences can be the cause of some behaviors of patients who come to consultations with some problems and that is why they consider it essential to track them and focus on them.

What psychotherapy will try is that these experiences are reworked in a positive way so that they can provide tools to patients and help them in their personal development.

Now, we must emphasize that these learnings left by experiences can have a more or less important impact, because, for example, going through a traumatic situation usually leaves a greater consequence than that which, for example, reading a book can leave us, which although shocking, it will undoubtedly have a minor effect compared to the previous fact.

Key in the labor plane

In the workplace, the experiences of a person who aspires to a position are often decisive on many occasions for the same to apply or not for the position finally.

There are areas within the labor market that value much more the experience, the experience of a person than the knowledge learned in a career.

And this is so because in certain jobs experience is much more necessary, knowing how to cope in a certain circumstance than having theoretical knowledge. That experience that you have will guarantee the employer that the person will perform better than someone who has it but does have the study.

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