
definition of ratio

Ratio is a word agreed by the referents of the Spanish language that is used as synonym of the word reason only in the sense of the quotient of numbers or comparable quantities, that is, ratio will be the ratio or quotient of two related quantities.

For example, financial ratios are those coefficients that provide financial units of measurement and comparison. It will be through these that the relationship between two financial data will be established and will also make the analysis of the corresponding state of an organization available based on its optimal levels.

Meanwhile, for the data comparison to be coherent, the data to be compared must correspond to the same period of time and also maintain a financial, administrative and economic relationship. There are ratios of different types, activity, productivity, balance and financial; for example, the latter make it possible to measure the liquidity, profitability and solvency of companies.

On the other hand, in the field of computing, the term ratio is frequently used, since the programs that allow sharing files from person to person (P2P), establish two types of ratio, that is, the ratio indicates the relationship between the number of users who have a complete file to share and the number of users who are downloading the mentioned file.

For his part, the sharing ratio, is the file upload and download ratio of a user, for example, if the user in question uploaded 600 MB of files to a system and on the other hand downloaded 300 MB, their sharing ratio is 2.0.

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