
device definition

The word apparatus It has several references depending on the context in which it is used ...

The instrument or mechanism that has a specific function and is composed of a set of parts organized in different mechanical, electrical or electronic devices, is called an apparatus, for example, telephone set, air conditioner.

A machine is an apparatus, because it is a set of mobile and fixed elements whose operation allows to take advantage of, regulate, direct or transform energy or the performance of work. Generally, machines are made up of a motor, a mechanism, a frame and safety components.

The circumstance or sign that precedes or accompanies something It is also called an apparatus. A candlelight set was lit in unison before they entered the hall..

Also, the term apparatus is used as synonymous with pomp or ostentation. Juana showed at the party the device behind her supporting her.

On the other hand, in biology, a device is the set of organs, which in animals, plants or humans fulfill the same physiological function. The biological system, as it is formally called, consists of a set of organs and similar structures that work together to fulfill a specific physiological function in any of the aforementioned living beings. The reproductive system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, among others.

The digestive system, for its part, is made up of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, which are in charge of the digestion process, that is, of transforming the ingested food so that it can be absorbed and used by the body's cells.

While, at the behest of politics, the device will be the set of institutions, laws, mechanisms and positions held by a state, an organization or an administration. Organizations, for example, are social systems that were designed to meet goals and objectives based on human resources; they are completed by related subsystems that fulfill specialized functions.

And on his side, the scenic apparatus it is the staging of a play.

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