
definition of netflix

Netflix is ​​an online service whose purpose is that its users can watch movies, documentaries and television series. The peculiarity of this service consists in presenting a format that allows you to view content in an easy, dynamic and fast way. At the same time, the price that Netflix offers its subscribers is another of its attractions (for example, in Mexico the services currently offered reach seven dollars a month).

Netflix took its first steps in the late 1990s in the United States, specifically in the Californian Silicon Valley

Like Facebook, PayPal, Twitter, and so many other digital platforms, Netflix began with a local projection and has spread across the globe over time. In its origins, the Netflix company was conceived as an immense online video store, but as of 2010 the streaming system was incorporated, that is, a digital distribution of content that does not imply downloading files in a conventional way.

How to use Netflix

The online service offered by Netflix is ​​adapted to the personal computer, the tablet, the mobile or the console. In the service interface it is possible to access an immense content catalog. When a user clicks on a movie or a television series, a brief explanatory summary and the assessment of other users appear. Whoever consults this page finds a classification by genre that helps remarkably when deciding on one content or another. Another way to choose content is by using the search engine.

Today we talk about the "Netflix revolution" because it has spread throughout the world and has millions of subscribers

This audiovisual phenomenon with global dimensions offers content for all ages (there is also Netflix KIds that is aimed at children). The immediate reproduction of the contents is the great attraction of this service.

The Netflx offer is immense and a subscriber can watch a current TV series or an old movie. Thus, the technical possibilities and the wide offer make Netflix a service that is little by little changing digital content consumption habits. In this sense, traditional television programs are aimed at large audiences, while Netflix is ​​designed so that each subscriber can find what they are looking for.

It could be said that television and conventional cinema connect with the generation before the internet and Netflix's approach responds to the interests of the generation that has always lived in the internet age.

Photos: iStock - LPETTET / Marco_Piunti

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