
method definition

The word method we use it extensively in our language and basically to refer to the procedure that we follow in an organized and planned way to obtain a specific purpose.

Meanwhile, that end or objective can oscillate in obtaining a result, for example quitting smoking, then, to achieve it effectively we will submit to everything that we consider is appropriate to achieve the objective: put on a patch, take a pill that the cardiologist tells us to go for a walk or run, among so many alternatives.

On the other hand, a method can be developed to arrive at a knowledge, a truth. I want to know if my boyfriend cheated on me on Saturday night when he told me that he was studying, for example, I will follow a series of clues and make a series of inquiries to find out if this was the case.

Now, something that is impossible to ignore when approaching the subject of the method is the result, because the relevance that people usually attribute to it is impressive, both to those methods that are known to have been successful and to those that were not at all. , to precisely avoid them outright, that is, not to repeat them and thus get away from the negative consequences.

Meanwhile and on the contrary, when it is known that something was achieved thanks to a successful method, people want to know it and repeat it to obtain the same excellent results.

But beware, in this aspect we must also make a parenthesis saying that sometimes the success or failure of a method also has a lot to do with its executor.

On the other hand, we usually use the word to refer to the way a person actsFor example, if that person has a gentle and pleasant way of behaving we will say that his method is warm and good, while if on the contrary he is aggressive, we will speak of a violent method of doing or getting things.

In all areas and contexts, methods are used to specify things, but science is undoubtedly one of the ones that exploits them the most when it comes to obtaining valid certainties, that is, those that are verifiable, to explain a phenomenon or its causes.

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