
definition of undermine

The term undermine can have two ways of being used, one of them literal and the other metaphorical. In either case, the word undermine is a verb that refers to the act by which something is removed that keeps something else standing. The act of undermining is normally directed, not accidental, and can be generated for many reasons. It is also common to speak of undermining works that will mean infrastructure works in which the earth support is removed, eliminated to make holes or empty spaces in the ground.

In practical terms, the act of undermining or undermining involves excavating something without the excavation causing the total destruction or alteration of that object. Thus, for example, if a land is undermined, a hole is made below the surface without it disappearing or being completely altered. It is important to note that in this sense, that is to say in the literal sense, the word undermine is widely used in the field of engineering and construction since it is a very common activity on which the construction or construction of new land depends. underground. Many times, when the act of undermining is carried out recklessly, it can lead to accidents, landslides and even landslides that cause greater damage. This is understandable if it is understood that an undermining would be taking away the support bases of the object or surface in question.

On the other hand, the term is also often used in a metaphorical sense to refer to the meticulous, thoughtful and programmed action that one person can take against another. Thus, undermining the strength, reputation, self-esteem, psyche of a person means doing long work based on denigration, aggression, criticism, contempt for what that person means or represents. This attitude is very common in the workplace when there is clear and strong competition for positions and a person's reputation or career is "undermined" so that they cannot access a higher or better position.

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