
definition of clothing

The word clothing is used to indicate all those items of clothing or clothing that human beings use to cover their bodies and thus be able to shelter or protect themselves from different types of weather.

Clothing is not, however, a purely functional element, but since the development of more complex societies it has been related to the need to mark differences, fashions, trends, hierarchies, status or even simple personal tastes of each individual in the group. of the society.

Clothing in its origins and the evolution it reached

Since prehistoric times, man has used different natural materials to cover and protect his body. While the first forms of clothing were the hides and skins of animals, as well as later basic and primitive fabrics would be, throughout history the human being has managed to develop pieces of diverse complexity, luxury and wealth that could fulfill different objectives and functions such as protection, covering modest areas, establishing hierarchies, etc.

Normally, the pieces of clothing or clothing made by man have been made with natural products (hides, leather, wool, natural dyes, etc.), but with the passing of time and the development of the textile industry, many new fabrics and Artificial fabrics have made it possible to obtain garments that are much more comfortable, protective and durable.

The clothing has undoubtedly varied greatly over time, having to do not only with the change in climatic conditions but also with the development of new design styles, new materials as well as the change of the social, political and economic context. Clothing has always been related to political, social, cultural and economic events and this has meant that throughout history some garments have been altered because they are considered very outdated or conservative, because they represent certain ideologies, for reasons of economic conditions. , etc.

At the same time, clothing has always found differentiation when it comes to men's and women's clothing. This has always been related to the need for clothing to be adapted to different body types, to the requirement to cover or show different parts or to follow different styles.

The problem of sizes, a social and health issue

The question of clothing sizes is undoubtedly one of the issues that are most discussed today around this topic, especially because of the direct relationship they have with the development of some diseases associated with eating such as bulimia and anorexy.

Unfortunately and despite the regulations that are sanctioned and that are not applied too much, the various clothes are available in clothing stores in sizes considered common and normal, small, medium and long.

But of course, not all people can use them and then they are absolutely marginalized from those fashion garments, having to resort to other options, in addition to clearly generating absolute discomfort for not being able to use them.

Many young women who feel outside of these proposals, because their sizes do not fit, begin to show disagreement with their body, which in some situations can lead to serious eating problems, as we have already pointed out, and which in the most extreme cases can lead to in death.

The commercial decision by the companies that design and market fashion not to extend their sizes beyond the common ones is based on the high costs that it would imply to make larger sizes. Of course, this is a petty decision and this is where the state must be present to ensure that the regulations that establish that there should be sizes for everyone are met. In this way, not only is the law being complied with, but a contribution is being made to the health of the community.

A separate paragraph deserves the differentiation when it comes to men's and women's garments

There are clothes that are absolutely associated with men, such is the case of suits and ties, while the skirt and dress are totally feminine garments and unthinkable on a man.

Meanwhile, with regard to pants, we must say that although a few centuries ago they were a distinctly masculine garment, today, women are also their great worshipers.

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