
definition of revenge

The revenge It is an affective act that is motivated by the anger of someone who has felt humiliated and wants to return the damage suffered in a conscious way through a vengeful plan. Revenge is contrary to the forgiveness of someone who is able to excuse a human act because he knows that revenge does not bring anything good in the long run. The person who gets far from feeling good about himself after an act of this type, feels worse. Because the violence it only generates violence.

An impulse that you have to know how to control

Desire to revenge It is that impulse that arises in the heart in certain situations. For example, when a person is the victim of an infidelity, he may want to pay the other for his mistake with the same currency. However, that initial impulse that arises from a feeling as human as anger must be measured and deliberate with the rational capacity of the human being that can be put into its context adequate a feeling evaluating the consequences of actions.

Meanwhile he sorry it is based on good. On the contrary, revenge is based on evil. Human happiness always connects with the line of good because good produces positive effects on the heart immediately in the form of self-esteem, satisfaction, illusion, joy, emotional well-being and peace.

Clear the mind to rediscover inner peace

Revenge is the reflection of resentment because resentment is like a fire that spreads when fed through negative thinking. Therefore, to regain calm in a moment of anger, it is important to do something to disconnect from what happened and achieve inner peace. For example, playing sports, taking a long walk through a quiet part of the city, to meditate, perform visualization exercises, chat with a friend who is not in conflict about what has happened.

Difficulty managing emotions can become severe

It is an act of maturity and emotional intelligence to be able to control impulses through emotional intelligence. While children overcome their anger very naturally in a matter of a while, on the contrary, the adult can allow himself to be carried away by pride and vanity. As Socrates said, it is worse to commit injustice than to suffer it. For this reason, when a person is the victim of an unjust act, they should not think of paying with the same coin.

Always prioritize dialogue, express what one feels and also listen to the other party

The best way to resolve a personal conflict is dialogue and forgiveness that shortens distances on a personal level.

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