
definition of coherence

The word coherence means the existence of a relationship or logic between the different parts of a statement or between the different statements or positions of a discourse.

We could also define it as the connection that exists with reality and the coinciding relationship of some things with others.

A consistent person acts according to what he says

Meanwhile, we can appreciate coherence especially in the actions and thoughts of individuals. An individual will be considered as coherent when he acts in accordance with the principles and values ​​that he manifests while he will be considered as incoherent if he does not. When someone says that it is going to be such a thing but actually does the opposite, it will show a very clear contradiction between the facts and the words and of course the interlocutor will notice such inconsistency that it will make him doubt about his true intentions.

The first thing that the other person will think and feel is a huge disappointment because something was promised to him and finally it was not fulfilled. Or the opposite can also happen, that someone who knows what he thinks in the opposite way does something that contradicts his thoughts with the sole intention of winning the favor of the other, probably to obtain some benefit.

The value of consistency

Consistency also has to do with the way you handle yourself in life, that is, if you act in a manner consistent with your beliefs, if you act consistently throughout your life or if your actions or way of thinking is confusing, not clear, ambiguous. Consistency is today a value greatly taken into account although in practice it is often difficult to maintain due to the amount of information that an individual receives, the hectic current lifestyle, etc.

It is easy to recognize a coherent person because he will be firm in his principles and values, he also transmits sincerity, a fact that makes him prone to establish solid relationships. For this very reason, coherent people are widely valued and credible, because when they pledge their word on something they accomplish what they propose.

Fight the lie

One of the great fights that coherent people face is against lying, not only because lying implies not honoring the truth, something that the coherent ambitions above all things, but also because it implies a lack of respect and consideration for oneself and towards the neighbor.

The quality of coherent is given to a person, an object, a work of art, a speech, based on the fact that the parts that compose it are logical to each other. We understand by logical something that is rational, that is not incomprehensible or that can be understood as part of the same group of thoughts, expressions or ways of acting. Coherence, therefore, represents the continuity and permanence of a type of ideas or actions that are linked to each other in a specific and punctual way.

Coherence in the text: organization plus unity of meaning

When you speak of a coherent text, you are referring to a text that is appropriately organized and that does not clash with itself in terms of ideas, expressions, ways of writing, etc. An incoherent text can thus be a text that is not understood, that does not have a continuity or whose main objective or theme is not understood.

In coherent texts, the unity of meaning prevails, which facilitates their understanding. There is a main idea and around it are complementary ideas that are not mixed at any point to avoid confusion. In this way the text in question gains in precision and understanding.

Consistency in science

The coherence, finally, can also be observed in the different sciences. Needless to say, each science, to establish statements and laws, requires a certain coherence and logic in its assumptions since this coherence is what allows ordering knowledge, information. The lack of coherence between one statement and another, although it may be the starting point for future questions and research, does not allow both statements to be maintained or sustained at the scientific level.

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