
definition of honesty

The term probity comes from the Latin probitas, which means goodness and uprightness of mind and is synonymous with honor. We could say that probity is based on respect for the law, social norms and an individual concept of morality.

Probity refers to showing integrity, honesty, and fairness in behavior. Thus, the value of probity is applicable to everyday life, work activity and human relationships in general.

Administrative honesty

In the exercise of the public function, the concept of administrative integrity is used. Thus, if someone behaves flawlessly in the performance of their duties, they are acting according to the principle of probity. In other words, he is a person who complies with the law and acts in an upright manner.

Probity in the public function is based not on individual interest in the performance of certain functions but on the general interest and the attitude of service.

In the sphere of administration, laws inspired by probity as a civic virtue have been enacted. These types of laws are intended to promote transparency in public management and promote responsible behavior by people with some function in the administration. For this, adequate control systems and procedures are established.

Probity as a quality is an element that allows us to fight corruption. In fact, an honest individual who works in the administration could not be an accessory to a corruption scheme.

What can I do to improve my probity?

Faced with this question, there are different answers. First, because our individual moral dimension tells us what to do. Second, because honorable conduct allows us to feel good about ourselves. Third, because compliance with the rules and laws is a way to improve coexistence in society as a whole.

Lack of honesty in the performance of a job

The labor legislation contemplates the concept of lack of probity on the part of a worker. It consists of performing their functions in a dishonest way and contradicting the conditions established in the employment contract.

Photos: Fotolia - samantonio / angryputos

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