
definition of priority

The word priority is used to account for the priority of something with respect to something else, either in terms of time or order, that is, that or the one that observes priority is because it is first compared to other things or people.

That which is more important compared to other similar alternatives and therefore enjoys special treatment

The owner of a pedigree dog that has just had a baby and because he is the father is two males and they have been wanted for a long time by four friends, then, the owner, as he only has two to give away, will give priority to those he considers that they will give better care to them, that is, the one that meets the best characteristics is the one that will have the priority of keeping them.

Then and with the example given it is clearer, the priority of something or someone will be established from a comparison, because a priority is what is important compared to other similar alternatives and that is why it will receive preferential attention and will be attended more quickly than something that does not enjoy that priority.

"Our priority from now on will be to get the money to pay for our son's college." "Juan is going through a lot of difficulties with his business, however, his priority continues to be complying with the payment of his employees' salaries."

Time, money and health, priorities

Generally, time and money are usually the two most relevant factors in determining priorities. Because for example, if I have several tasks pending in my life, what will be done is to make a written list of those issues that need to be addressed first and what are those that can wait. Those established at the beginning will be the priorities. Having a roof to live in will be the priority over buying a vehicle, for example, if you don't have a home.

And regarding money, as this is a scarce resource, when it arrives in a considerable amount, it will be used to satisfy those most pressing needs, such as paying rent instead of buying a dress.

On the other hand, we cannot forget about health, which is also considered by the vast majority of people as a priority.

When a person is ill or suffers from some type of disability, they should always have priority in terms of care, whether in a health center as well as in public spaces, means of transport, or in businesses.

In public transport, this priority is very well defined and thus the first seats of the buses are primarily intended to be occupied by people with some type of disability, young children and pregnant women.

So that everyone is aware of the regulations and gives the places when they distinguish someone with these characteristics, there are signs that indicate this.

And if someone ignores this, the driver and passengers will be able to complain to whoever does not give it up.

This same preferential care that we just mentioned is transferred to other places such as: care in financial institutions, supermarkets, pharmacies, health centers, among others.

There are even special boxes that have the mission of taking care of the steps that these people want to carry out.

This ensures that they wait as little as possible, giving their health and well-being top priority.

Subjectivity in determining priority

Now, we must say that priority has a very relevant subjectivity character, that is, people establish their priorities per se and they do so in a very personal way and in relation to their values ​​and their experiences in life.

For example, for some people the well-being and health of their family will be the priority while for others it may be money, work, among others, and then, they will direct their priorities towards them.

It is also important that we mention that people's priorities change throughout life, since they are mostly associated with the age of the person.

In adolescence the priority of a person will be to study and have fun with his friends and in adulthood to work to take care of his family.

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