
definition of political party

Political organization supported by an ideology that aspires to exercise the power of a nation to develop its political program

A Political Party is a stable political organization or association, which, supported by a certain ideology, which will be related among its affiliates and followers, aspires at some point to exercise the power of a nation in order to impose and develop its political program..

Fundamental in the political organization of a country

Basically a political party is a fundamental element when making and organizing the political life of a country, because it will be in charge of recruiting candidates for timely government positions or legislative seats, organizing legislative work, articulating and adding preferences and disagreements to citizens, forming governments, establishing legislative agreements in order to promote laws that are fundamental for the life in community, among the main issues.

Ideology guides and governs their behavior

Each political party has an ideology which gives it conceptual clarity and will act as a kind of guide in its political actions, as long as it is composed of the following elements: doctrine (set of beliefs to be taken as valid), theories (explanatory, comprehensive and explanatory systematization of the reality in which they understand), platform (grouping of the main political, social and economic problems), programs (the plans to alleviate those problems that are identified in the platform) and slogans (Those slogans or slogans characteristic of the party and that ultimately will be something like its registered trademark and will differentiate them from the rest or from quite similar ideas, but that have other names).

It is common for voters and also the political press to identify ideology with the two traditional and historical ideological tendencies such as the left, which is the one that is in favor of changes in both the social and economic structure and that is opposed to the conservative force.

And on the other hand, the right, which is the one who exercises the conservative proposal against which the left is rebelling.

Components of a political party

Meanwhile, the Political Parties They are made up of seven fundamental pieces, the leadership, which is the one that concentrates power and decisions; The candidates, which will be those potential occupants of public office and that arise from the internal election of the party; the bureaucracy or administrative body; the technicians and intellectuals, who are in charge of permanently advising leaders on those specific issues in which they do not fully understand, for example in economics, health; the militants, which are those members who observe a constant and active participation; the affiliates, will be those registered in the party register and also contribute a periodic fee for its maintenance and the sympathizers, who do not participate internally and with contributions but do share ideas and accompany with their votes.

Targeted political party financing

The political parties are solved through the contribution of their affiliates, but as we well know, this money in the current monstrous political campaigns is almost a tip, so it is the money of companies and private capital that helps to maintain these, and of course also to the growth that they can show if they meet with the approval and favorable of an entrepreneur.

At this point in its financing is where the maximum questioning of a political party is focused, because of course, as it is known that in reality the money contributed by its affiliates is not enough to pay for the succulent media campaigns that we usually appreciate from many parties political is that then the concern and suspicion arises about those who contribute the money so that this or that party achieves a huge presence in the mass media and also with regard to advertising in the streets of the entire country.

And the most important thing about this question is in exchange for what? Then speculation arises that such a party that is financed by such a company, obviously, if it finally comes to power, will "help", will be condescending and functional, with its policies and decisions, to that company or businessman that contributed a large sum of money to your campaign.

The great challenge of these times for politics and political parties in general should be precisely to clarify this point that is sometimes obscure or veiled for society. Because in this way not only will the political game in a democracy be benefited, but also the voters will be able to know whether or not they want to support this or that party depending on who is behind financing it.

Because as we said before, in many cases, the political decisions of governments are tied to these interests or pre-electoral agreements that they carry out with companies and large businessmen.

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