
definition of singular

The singular word is a word that can be used in two main senses: when talking about the number that the nouns have (that is, when they are only one and not several, in which case we would be talking about the plural) and on the other hand when they are refers to a very particular phenomenon, person or object, different from the rest and striking. In this second case we also find a relationship with the first since it is assumed that that thing or phenomenon that is considered so special is only one, not many.

All nouns in the different existing languages ​​have two possible numbers as well as gender (masculine, feminine or neuter). The number is what causes the noun to be placed in a singular (that is, only one) or plural (several). Although this varies with each language, generally in written and oral language there are always ways to distinguish singular nouns from plurals, for example in Spanish the letter s is usually the most used element to talk about plural numbers . In other languages ​​the word is directly altered (as in the English language when it is said foot in the singular and feet in plural), and in others, especially in non-Indo-Europeans, the distinction between singular and plural is established from the repetition of the singular word.

When the singular term is used as a qualifying adjective and not as a number, it is referring to a characteristic that makes a thing, element, person or phenomenon distinctive, striking, different from the rest. Thus, it can be said that a person is singular and reference is not being made to their number but to how special it is, the same when it is said that an event, for example natural, is singular, which means that it does not happen frequently. , which grabs attention.

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