
definition of translator

A translator is a professional who, starting from a text in one language, converts it into an equivalent text in a different language. To carry out this activity, the translator must have a thorough knowledge of the languages ​​he is translating and, in addition, the culture and idiosyncrasies associated with each language. It must be borne in mind that a language involves many elements that must be assessed if a correct translation is to be carried out (humor in both languages, some and regional expressions, street turns, word games, etc.).

The translator cannot simply switch words from one language to the other. If it did, the final message would not make much sense. Consider a translation exercise from English to Spanish in which the English expression to pull the leg appears. Literally it means to stretch the leg, but this translation would be wrong, since it does not refer to any leg, since its meaning is another: to tease. The use of expressions serves as an example to emphasize the difficulty of the translator's work.

The translator should not limit himself to correctly expressing a written or oral message, but it is important that he be able to communicate the spirit of a message in a different language. This difficulty is greater when we speak of radically different languages ​​and cultures. English and Spanish are different but share cultural elements typical of the Western world. In contrast, Japanese and Spanish are languages ​​with radically different alphabets and belonging to widely separated cultural traditions.

The classic works of literature have been translated into most languages. On the other hand, the prestige of an author depends, to a large extent, on the number of languages ​​in which his work has been translated.

The figure of the translator is not always recognized, although his name usually appears on the opening pages of the book. In some cases, the translator is forced to make some kind of clarification of a work, which is indicated at the bottom of the page with the initials N.T (translator's note).

The online translator

The world of the internet offers tools that a few years ago would have been considered science fiction. One of them is online translation. When we consult a website we have the option to "translate this page". Its usefulness is relative, since it serves to have an approximate idea of ​​a text that we do not understand but it is not efficient enough in its translation process. Online translation is currently poor, but it is difficult to predict what may happen in the future. In the next few years we will check whether the translators continue to work or not.

Photos: iStock - mutsMaks / Bet_Noire

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