
definition of psychology

Psychology is the science that deals both theoretically and practically with the study of the biological, social and cultural aspects of human behavior, both on a social and individual level, as well as the functioning and development of the human mind..

What psychology basically does is study individuals directly, although it also usually uses some laboratory animals for studies, whose behaviors are in some cases equivalent to those of human beings, and focuses its attention on how they feel, think, and act. They adapt to the environment in which they live and how it also defines them, so that later, all the conclusions as a result of this analysis and direct observation, turn them into theories that will serve as a guide to know, explain and even predict future actions.

For some years now, consulting psychologists or therapists has become a habit: some due to stress problems between work / family and other types of relationships, many also due to problems derived from work life, such as wear and tear of couples, or also many attend psychological therapies as a way to unravel the past, learn about their traumas and fears, to be able to handle them, overcome them and strengthen their personality in the face of new projects or challenges in life, be they academic, work, sentimental, among others.

Since the universe of human behavior and mind is so wide and vast, psychology is divided into various branches that will deal with each of these, so we will find the one that deals with learning, evolutionary or development, the psychology of abnormality, art, personality, applied, clinical, educational, child-adolescent, work, community, emergency and forensic.

In many areas of daily life, such as educational establishments or companies, it can be found that within the institutional staff they have psychologists. In schools, these types of professionals are frequent to address the problems of the child, generally in relation to their family environment that often impede the progress or success of the child in the learning processes. In the case of work environments, psychology professionals are usually incorporated as support to employees in relation to stress problems or resolution of conflictive situations, in addition to intervening in the selection processes of new personnel, where through various tests or evaluations the attitudes and personality of the candidate can be determined, and from this, determine what positive and negative conditions he has in relation to his possible future job position.

Although today it is necessary and an obligatory step to dedicate oneself to psychology to study and pass a university degree, which in most countries is known as a Bachelor of Psychology, in the past, many of the great teachers of the discipline did not come from a university in psychology, on the contrary, but came from fields such as physics, medicine, among others, but their love for the study of human behavior led them to be called psychologists, such is the case of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Jean Piaget, among the most recognized.

Finally, and in the face of the repeated confusion in which it tends to fall, it is necessary to mark the difference between this and psychiatry, since as we said above, psychology only deals with laying the foundations for a better knowledge of the But the human psyche is not concerned with its health or with preventing the most recurrent conditions that it suffers, being psychiatry then the one that will be in charge of its clinical care.

Another discipline derived from psychology is psychopedagogy, which focuses on the study and treatment of problems related to the learning process, which can be caused by different diseases, by low stimulus from the child's family environment, or by situations experienced within the child. school environment and that divert the interests of the child towards learning.

On many occasions, since they are specific disciplines but ultimately derived, treatments are usually carried out in conjunction with professionals from two or more of these branches, or even what is usually called interdisciplinary diagnoses to face the solution and treatment of the problem in a comprehensive and complete way. psychological of the patient.

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