
definition of performance

The verb to perform indicates that an action is carried out or fulfills a specific function. With the noun performance we express that an activity takes place, which can be work or of any other nature. For its part, performance implies discharge of a debt or pawnIn other words, the debt that had been contracted in a timely manner, or the property or object that had been pledged, is finally recovered as a result of the debt or the commitment in question being canceled.

Distant ways to play a role

The term performance does not express, in principle, whether the action carried out is executed well, badly or regularly. However, any position or function can be performed in many possible ways.

If we start from the situation of any worker, the performance of their tasks will be positive if they meet a series of requirements: they respect the established rules, act efficiently and professionally, are productive and adopt a collaborative attitude. Your tasks will have a contrary assessment if you fail to meet your obligations, are ineffective, unproductive and generate problems around you.

At an intermediate level, it can be said that the performance of its activity is mediocre if it complies with the provisions of the contract, but without standing out in any way

As can be seen, good or bad performance is a matter of degree.

In the business world, objective criteria are used to evaluate performance and for this, some evaluation methods are used (for example, setting specific objectives for each worker). As a general rule, it is convenient to establish measurable criteria, otherwise the worker may end up fulfilling his basic obligations and not trying to improve himself.

The three options indicated above regarding the performance of some functions depend on many factors, such as the sense of responsibility, character, motivation, vocation, organizational system, etc. In the professional field, the performance of certain functions is associated with a business hierarchy and a specific salary level.

The performance of a worker is closely linked to the success of the company and this is precisely because their work, added to that of the rest of the workers, affects the correct functioning of the same, therefore, it is a common practice that the The corresponding area, sector or professional carry out a detailed monitoring of the performance of the workers, in order to know if they are performing as they should be or if, on the contrary, they are not doing so and it is necessary to boost their performance through certain variables.

In non-professional activities (for example, participation as a volunteer in a humanitarian organization) the concept of performance has other very different connotations.

In the educational sphere

Also, in areas such as academic and sport it is common to hear about performance. For example, in the strictly collegial case, you can know the performance of a student from the grades given by their professors or teachers after submitting them to an exam that assesses their knowledge of the latest topics learned in class. And in the case of sport, special emphasis is also placed on the performance of a player in a sporting match, since continuity in competition or in the team will depend on him, in the case of a collective sport.

In pawn shops

The term performance has another meaning. It refers to the action of playing an object in the so-called pawn shops. The procedure for this type of establishment is as follows:

1) a customer leaves an object of a certain value in deposit at the pawn shop,

2) in return, the client receives an amount of money as a loan for the deposited object and

3) the client has a certain period to return the money received and thus recover his object (at this moment is when the performance occurs).

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