
definition of repercussion

The concept of repercussion is used extensively in our language to account for the importance, of the significance that something or someone has held or holds. Leonardo Di Caprio's performance in Titanic has had an impact around the world, with no exceptions.

And also when something, for example an event, has a huge resonance or echoAfter his succession, it will be discussed in terms of repercussion. The impact of his arrest was felt throughout the group.

Then, the word repercussion will always imply something important and that is why we use it extensively in the language to refer to that or that which is relevant, that shows a lot of importance or stands out.

With an example we will appreciate it better… The hiring of Lionel Messi by the Barcelona football club generated a huge impact in the city, in the team's fans and also in the local and world press.

When something or someone generates an impact, they will undoubtedly never go unnoticed, but on the contrary, they will be discussed, shown, because precisely people are interested in obtaining more details about it.

And this is basically because its existence or its occurrence will have shocking consequences on a level of life and will even be able to modify reality at some point. The latter can be explained through a concrete example: an individual falls while doing work and the consequence is that his leg and arm are fractured, for example, this fall will have a significant impact on his life, modifying his daily routine, among others. Things will not be able to go to work until you recover.

On the other hand, the mass media, such as radio, television, the written press and the Internet, play a very important role when it comes to contributing to the repercussion of events, issues or people, because their coverage is precisely what that many times increase or trigger the repercussion. We can even say that there are many issues that without media coverage would never have achieved as much impact as they did.

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