
definition of fruit

We understand by fruit all those edible products that are obtained from cultivated plants or wild trees, which are characterized by being extremely sweet and by having an important variety of colors, flavors, sizes and textures from one case to another. It is normally eaten as a dessert due to the sweetness that we mentioned and depending on consumer preferences, it can be cooked or eaten fresh.

Maturity: ideal point of consumption

Now, the ideal point of consumption is when it is ripe, before that point of maturity it can be unpleasant to the palate and when it goes beyond that point the same thing happens, the ideal is the point of maturation. This state is easy to detect through the color and the sensation it causes us to touch. For example, kiwi, a delicious and nutrient-rich fruit, is usually very hard, almost like a stone, when it is not yet ripe, while when it is at the ideal point of maturity to eat it, it will feel soft to the touch and its such a particular shell is easy to peel off.

Rich in nutrients and ideal to consume in weight loss diets and in the summer due to the water it provides us

Fruit is one of the most important components of any diet and it is recommended by nutritionists and food experts around the world to eat an important variety of fruits since each one provides a specific amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Unlike other food products that require processing, the fruit can be easily acquired since it does not need manufacturing and therefore can be accessed by having a fruit tree at home.

Fruits are perhaps some of the most nutritious foods out there. Normally it is recommended to eat three to five servings of fruit per day in order to have all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they provide, always quickly absorbed. In addition, fruits are naturally varied and you can find yellow, green, purple, red, purplish and orange fruits, different flavors, different textures and different nutritional properties.

One of the main problems of the fruit is, however, that it has a short life and therefore, once separated from its source, it can last a short time fresh and acceptable for consumption.

There are ways and techniques of conservation that delay their maturation but these are not recommended in excess since they end up altering the essential properties and characteristics of the fruits.

Also, fruit is an ideal food to be consumed at the request of slimming diets since they tend to provide the consumer with satiety and of course the amount of calories they provide is negligible in relation to sweets and desserts that have a tremendous caloric intake.

On the other hand, during the summer, especially in those hyper-hot summers, the fruit is recommended by doctors because of the enormous amount of water they have, 95%, and that then the body can receive precisely at instances of such high temperatures and that naturally generate dehydration. Water and plenty of fresh water is the recommendation we hear the most when the high summer temperatures arrive.


Fruits can be classified in different ways due to the number of options available. One of the most basic classifications is to divide the fruit into fresh and dry or dried (nuts are walnuts, almonds, chestnuts). The fruit can also be divided according to the region from which it originates: forest fruits, tropical fruits, nuts and citrus fruits. In addition, there are also stone fruits (such as peaches), pips (such as apple) or grain (such as strawberry).

Commercialized in greengrocers and specialized markets

Fruit and vegetable markets, popularly called in some Spanish-speaking places as greengrocers and greengrocers, are the places where we can buy fresh fruits. These establishments offer their customers fruits and vegetables in sight and organized according to type. They are usually attended by a merchant called a greengrocer, who chooses it for the customer according to demand and then weighs it to establish the value, since it is normally sold by the kilo.

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