
definition of axiology

It is designated by the term of Axiology to that branch of Philosophy that deals with and focuses on the study of the nature of values ​​and evaluative judgments. Although of course philosophy and everything that this discipline studies date back many centuries, the name of this part of study is relatively new, since it was used for the first time only at the beginning of the last century.

The axiology, then studies both those negative and positive values, analyzing its first principles that are those that will allow to determine the worth or not of something or someone, and then formulate the foundations of the judgment both in the case of being positive and negative.

Secondly, axiology together with deontology will be the main foundation and pillar on which Ethics will have.

As long as we are entering into what constitutes its object of study, for axiology, a value will be that quality that will allow us to weigh the ethical and aesthetic value of things, that is, it is simply that special quality that makes things or people are estimated in a negative or positive sense.

You can distinguish between different classes of values. Objective values ​​are those that turn out to be the purpose themselves, such as good, truth, and beauty. On the other hand and in opposition to these, we find the subjective values ​​that will be those that represent a means to reach this or that end and that most of the time are followed by a personal desire.

In addition, and one step below, we can distinguish between fixed values, that is, those that in spite of everything remain and the dynamic ones, which are those that are not subject to remaining, but change as we change.

Likewise, values ​​can be distinguished according to the importance they hold for us and then be conceptualized according to a pre-established hierarchy in which some will have a higher position than others.

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