
definition of wall

A wall is called a type of wall or wall that is easy to make and that serves as a more or less provisional division between two adjoining spaces or lands. The wall is a type of simple construction that does not require too much engineering and that can be done quickly since it resorts to the use of only one type of material, also easily accessible, such as clay or mud. This is why the wall is a very common type of construction in rural spaces as well as in humble areas where other types of materials can be much more expensive. The wall has also been very common in ancient times and in places where this type of material was very abundant. However, the wall, due to the simplicity of its construction and the material with which it is made, can suffer much more directly from inclement weather.

The wall could be described as a mural or a wall made basically of clay or mud. This clay or this mud is tamped or crushed in such a way as to form a very compact and resistant surface that can remain standing once dry. The tamping seeks to ensure that there is no space or air between the different parts or sections of the surface because the material tends to be aerated. The tamping is done with a heavy element that can vertically condense the clay and thus give greater strength to the structure.

So that the material can be kept upright and properly until it reaches the necessary drying state, a formwork must be made for which wooden plates are placed between which the wet mud or clay remains. In this way, while the wall material has not yet dried, it is condensed between these two wooden plates (sometimes also metal) in such a way that it maintains its shape once dry.

The mud walls have been very common in different parts of the world such as in the Near East or in pre-Columbian America where the material is very abundant. However, they are also common from ancient times when the forms of engineering and construction were not so advanced. Many times the surface of the wall is decorated with marking or work on the material before it dries.

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